This is a living document, and changes may be made as we learn and grow, in consultation with the community.

  • Only people who identify as trans and non-binary may join the club as full members. This will be based on self-declaration, and not transition status.
  • Cis allies may join the club as associate members and are free to participate in club events, but in order to respect the goals of the club will not be able to vote.
  • Membership fee is optional - we encourage those can afford to do so to pay what they can, contributing towards the running of the club, when applying for or renewing membership
  • Proteus respects everyone right to self-define, and trusts members to apply for the level of membership which is appropriate based on their identity. Nobody’s identity will be subject to scrutiny or debate.
  • The degree of someone’s membership and involvement in the club, as it relates to their trans status, is the prerogative of that person to share, and must not be disclosed to anyone outside of the club without that person’s express consent.
  • All members have equal say, can put forwards motions and vote on decisions affecting the club.
  • The running of each chapter will overseen by a chapter head and a sergeant-at-arms
  • Any conflict of interest between the chapter head and sergeant-at-arms should be discussed when appointing these positions, and should be minimised where possible.
  • The club has no dress code, and will not discriminate on the basis of leather ownership. An appreciation for leather aesthetics, culture and history is necessary for club membership, owning full leathers is not.
  • All members should feel free to explore their fetish and express their identity free from abuse, harassment and consent violation. Such behaviour will be not be tolerated, and will be addressed through a community accountability procedure, to ensure the safety and growth of members.
  • All chapters will be expected to nominate a chapter head and sergeant-at-arms, whose responsibilities are outlined here. All other tasks (e.g. newsletters, keeping minutes, events organising) may be done on a voluntary basis by any member with capacity, rather than by specific roles. There is no set length of time for being a chapter head, and the role can be adapted as necessary.
  • Failure to uphold the goals and/or code of conduct will result in accountability procedures, and may result in removal from the club, subject to a vote by members, particularly in the case of repeated transgression.

Chapter Head Responsibilities:

  • Managing the chapter’s member list
  • Managing the chapter’s email
  • First point of contact to begin a community accountability procedure
  • Delegating tasks as appropriate


  • Ensuring all members, including chapter head, are behaving in accordance with the goals and code of conduct of the club
  • Overseeing accountability procedures where appropriate
  • Tallying votes
  • Sergeant-at-arms must be impartial and therefore not personally involved with the chapter head, to avoid conflict of interest.

Community accountability:

  • Any issue requiring community accountability procedure should be initially raised with either the chapter head, or sergeant-at-arms
  • Community accountability will take a victim centered approach, asking what action they would like to be taken, which will then be subject to discussion by members.
  • We believe all people make mistakes and may act from places of unhealed trauma, and as such will seek to support both victims and perpetrators in their healing through providing them with a safe space, to help prevent further harm.
  • Refusal to engage in community accountability, or repeat offenses following engagement, may result in removal from the club.
  • It is our preference to not involve law enforcement, who are often homophobic, transphobic and may not understand the nuances of kink dynamics. We believe community should be the first port of call, but we may encourage members to escalate with the support of outside organisations (e.g. Galop) if it necessary for risk management.